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Daisy's mum

Soft shell egg on lawn? Help!

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Hello there

When I cleaned out my eglu yesterday I found 2 soft shell eggs in the poo tray, I suspect these are from Fifi as she has only laid 2 "proper" eggs so far and Dave lays hers every day as usual. Isabelle has not started crouching yet so I don't think it is her.

Anyway, this morning they were all pecking at something on the lawn and when I went to investigate found it was another soft shelled egg. I am worried that if Fifi has laid this egg out on the lawn will she not use the nest box any more?

I found 2 eggs in the nest yesterday so one must be hers but was really surprised to find the one on the lawn today. Do hens sort of mistake a soft shelled egg for a poo?

Also I have always added a little grit to their food and they free range for most of the day so they must be getting enough surely :?

I have to confess that I have been giving them too many treats :oops: and I promise to stop :roll: could this be the problem :?

Julie x

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Hi Julie, don't worry too much about softies when they're in the early stages of laying. I think you're right to assume that a soft shelled one feels different to a normal egg so it's often passed as a poo.

Once she develops into laying a complete egg she should do it in the nest box.

It wouldn't hurt to hold back on the treats as this can stop them eating enough of the balanced pellets but a little treat now and then doesn't hurt them.

Hopefully she'll get into the swing of it and you'll be getting lovely eggs in no time.

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Thank you Sarah

That is very reassuring.

My girls stand at the glass doors with such hopeful pleading looks on their faces that I can't resist them and my husband has renamed them the "vultures"!!!!!

I have now solved the problem by throwing out a handful of layers pellets instead of the corn and raisins :D If future they will only get 1 or 2 handfuls of corn a day :wink:

Julie x

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I would definitely cut back on the treats Daisy's Mum.


If the soft eggs continue, give them some limestone flour. Available at equestrian shops or from Ebay (Sold for tortoises).


People keep laughing at me for recommending it...but it works wonders. :lol:

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When I was at Thorne's on Saturday, I overheard Frank telling a young couple (who had been feeding their poor hens on nothing but mixed corn!) that they should only be giving them about 15g a day each. Might be a good idea for you to weigh out 45g and see how little that is!


If you can't resist giving them treats, make it something a bit healthier - mine adore pak choi leaves, as they're much sweeter and tenderer than cabbage (I give them the slightly slug-damaged outer leaves from the ones in our organic veg box). Some folk find that beansprouts are popular, and they are quite high in protein as veg go, I think.

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Thank you for your help Eglunteen and Anne, I have started giving them a handful of layers pellets, thrown across the lawn instead of treats! They turn their little beaks up a bit but soon start eating it!

I got 2 perfect eggs this morning which went a long way to compensate for having to go out in storm force gates and driving rain this morning :D

I will certainly get some of the tortoise stuff if I get more problems so thanks for that.

Julie x

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