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bales of straw, cuttle fish, millet

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can i put this in there run and they can mjump aroun don it etc ive had to buy a bale, as the shop i normally get a bag from had ru out and i needed straw now it sat on my patio as im not sure were to put it so thought in there run any ideas?


can they have cuttle fish pieces in there run?

can they have millet?

im looking for things to occupy them whislt im away next week got my parents and hubbies comeing round to them 2-3 times aday, they have to come and feed my cats as well :lol:

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I'm not a fan of straw myself.


Although it looks lovely and rustic, they might eat it and get an impacted crop....also it harbours parasites. :?


Others do put it in their run. All a matter of personal choice....but I'm not keen on the idea of a hefty vets bill that could be avoided myself. :lol: (that is the bill that's hefty....not the vet!)


Mine won't touch millet....yours might like it. :lol:


I use limestone flour so don't need to bother with cuttlefish.

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