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i had to chnage a chicken due to illness. the new chicken is now being henpecked and is not allowed out of the eglu. i have been putting food and water in and letting the others to free range in the hope she will venture out. how long is this likely to go on for? :lol:

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It usually takes one to three weeks - probably nearer the longer end of that since you're introducing one chicken to three established ones (never easy!).


One thing you could try is dividing up the run with canes so the others can see her but not get to her - there's a sticky topic "Introducing a chicken 1:1" that has photos. If the others are laying, maybe you could confine them at the eglu end and put your new girl at the run door end?


EDIT - here's the link:




The box part isn't essential - if they are OK at night in the eglu but not during the day, you can just let them all sleep together.

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thank you - i am taking her out of the eglu she is happy to run around the garden and feeding - now only has 2 tail feathers since last night! and blood stained comb!.i have kept the ring leader hen in the run while the other 2 and her have the garden as they seem to be ok with her. at night they are obviously attacking her what do you do then?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but if there's argy bargy it's likely to be in the early morning before you let them out I think.


I know some people advise against it, but I leave the house door open (obviously, secure the run!) if I think there's a chance of a fight.


(Superjules ducks and runs for cover!!)

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