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We saw a rat this morning, bold as anything, and it went up to the run :shock: , not a great surprise as our next door neighbours had rats in their house last week.


So, what danger could rats be to chickens? They weren't too chuffed to see it. Can they get in the run?


I've borrowed a rat trap to put out tonight when the chickens are in, and I'm going to have to keep our cat in as well.


I know its just one of those things.... :( but I'm a bit grossed out.

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The rat probably wont be able to get into the run through the weld mesh....however, if persistent enough, it might dig into the run. I have my Eglus on slabs for that reason.


I occasionally find evidence of digging. I put the hosepipe into the hole and turn it on.....and then fill the holes up.


It might be a good idea to check that your compost bin isn't providing the rat with a warm and cosy home.


Make it as impenetrable as poss and if you put foodstuff in it, add a shovelful of earth to cover it....it will stop enticing smells wafting and will do the compost good too!


Rats like to hide, so a decluttering session in the garden might be a good idea too.


Check under sheds and decking for nests.


I have bait boxes around the garden all year round, and we do have the occasional rat, but have managed so far to persuade them to pack their bags.

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thanks Egluntine- sound advice.


Two weeks ago I noticed burrows in my compost bin and saw something move :shock: so we moved the bin (and contents phew what a job) onto paving slabs...hmm it was after this time that next door got rats in their kitchen...they've caught two, and I've now got their trap...


to add insult to injury our town rat catcher was got rid of due to funding cuts about 6 weeks ago- and guess what?


People have been contacting the local paper complaining of a rat problem!


Its no problem to bring in the grub at night-time, but there will still be food on the ground because the chickens knock it out all the time :roll:


Mice I can deal with (humanely too!) but rats...arrggghhh

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