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house rabbits

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I have house rabbits. They are mostly free range, so they don't have any sort of cage (they hate being caged! :roll::lol: ). A lot of people who have house rabbits keep them in dog crates, as they are much taller than any of the cages you can buy for rabbits (way too short in my view - they need to be able to stretch up on their back legs).


Mine just have a litter tray in the kitchen, and in the hallway.

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Hmmm dont know how to put this very delicate question...our bunnie is a rescue bunnie and he's from Wood Green through Pets at Home, they said it was neutured but it gets rather friendly with my daughters leg, He thinks he is a dog i think. But our Jack Russell has had enough of having to run before stewie takes a liking to him. The dog is a small Jack Russell. The mental picture it conjures is amusing but not for The dog, is this normal?

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h thanks, but what do they sleep in and can you leave them to wander free when you are at work? Oh and how do you stop them chewing cables?

Not quite 20 questions...lol


Thanks Jen


Sorry for late reply (had a bunny bereavement yesterday, so now I only have one :cry: ).


Mine sleep on mats and blankets, and have litter trays too (which they sometimes also lay in, but not normally. I shut them in the kitchen if I'm out, but am lucky that they aren't big chewers. House bunnies can be much more destructive than mine ever have been! ;)


With the cables, I don't let them in areas where there are lots of wires, but I have bunny-proofed some cables with pond hoses that I bought from an aquatic section of a pet shop! My husband just slit them and put the cables inside. Hope that makes sense!

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hi i have a house rabbit, nearly two

he jumps all over the place, furniture coffee tables, beds etc. He also likes wallpaper and cables. So do bunny proof your house, there is a really good book called the house rabbit , details on my website. Also rabbit for dummies book is fab.


You need to do a bit of research into the breeds as well, as some I look after dont really move around much and others are complete lunatics.


Our rabbit has a nero cage as his base, when we first moved a yr ago we would shut hima way at night, but he hated it. So he now just uses the nero to eat, drink and poo (litter tray inside it). Bunnies like to know they have somewhere safe they can run and hide, comes down to the predator thing. A cardboard box would work just as well, pickles also has a sleep in his in the lounge sometimes, as it has some shredded paper in it.


Pickles doesnt spray as such, well apart from when we tried to bond him. they spray the females just before they try to hump them.


But what i find is that they kick their legs up as they walk away from having a wee, almost trying to flick anything off that may have gone on their feet. Thats when you get we flicked up your walls.


Ive solved this by putting my litter trays one in the nero cage as mentioned, for the other i actually use a plastic pet carrier as his litter tray in the lounge. Stops people having to look at his toilet, gives him some privacy, easy to clean but he can also flick to his hearts delight. I use the paperbased cat litter for him. I use newspaper and hay in a litter tray for my guests though, or sometimes shredded paper.


To stop the wallpaper chewing, we brown off old crusts until they are rock hard and place them where he has had ago at the wallpaper, use diversionary tactics. We also use argos and yellow pages for went he wants to dig up the carpet. We have had to get wooden flooring in our lounge since we moved, as he tried to dig up the last carpet.


Hope this helps, they are a great bundle of fun and i feel so guilty when i see them kept in hutches, you never see their true personalities. Never get your trousers tugged, whilst you are on the puter or watching tv, because they want attention and strokes

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