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Girls week of freedom...

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Well the girls had a whale of a time on their camping expedition by all accounts! They fared well in the open although spent most nights in the cosy ark(sensible girls) with the bad weather conditions. They were fed on a supplementary wheat diet which has made them quite plump! They got up to all sorts including all three led by naughty Tilda to frogmarch directly into the house :oops::oops: to request food! :wink:






We enjoyed ourselves in Dubai after almost 5 years of not going abroad(Reckon my carbon footprint was worth it on this excursion!). The weather was marvellous,work opportunities tremendous and inviting on an adhoc basis potentially-even the girls were offered an air conditioned eglu!

The locals were amused and intrigued with the eglu and keeping chickens!

Dubai- I reckon is going to be the place for the super rich likened to Monaco but like New York in appearance with everything imported to it even an equivalent to Disneyland being built and Ski Dubai a fully operational alpine resort indoors in place with more to come. A place too decadent and opulent for my liking,with sadly no consideration for the environment.It's just a case of BUILD BUILD BUILD. A shopping paradise for some.

The beach was really nice too,not overcrowded just right.All in all a perfect week away.But it was nice to come home and being reunited with our lovelies.




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