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One More Question - Ducking head?

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I know all hens are different, but I have noticed that Queenie keeps ducking her head down? It's almost as if she's shy. Is this just a submissive thing? She only does it if you go near her [she got quite friendly with me this afternoon and was all brave, but just now when I went out to double check the Eglu was all locked up so Mr. Foxy wouldn't go near, I opened the eglu where she was huddled near Viv and she ducked her head down again?!]

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I suppose it is a little like crouching, yes. Only she sort of ducks down, with her bum more in the air? Viv and Queenie were together in the Eglu, and when I opened the door, the ducked her head away and behind Vivienne. I noticed earlier, when Vivienne had a little peck at her, she sort of ducked down again, and put her head right down.

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OK - thanks so much. I'm on mega chicken watch at the mo because Queenie is new, and I always get overprotective of the newbies!! It's just nice to know she's healthy etc, but thanks for the reassurance. We'll see what the morning brings!

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