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Looking for chickens in Somerset

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Unfortunately we are now down to one lonely chicken in an eglu having lost one last year and one a couple of weeks ago. I was hoping for ex-batts, but it seems they are as rare as the proverbial "hens teeth" at the moment. The BHWT is not planning any local releases soon and a local rescue (Happy Landings) was due to take some from them for re-homing and also didn't get any !

I don't really want a fancy breed, just reasonable layers and company for our lonely chook (a rhode islend red)

We are in central Somerset, but happy to travel for an hour or so if we can find some. Any suggestions very welcome.

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We got ours from Nibley Farm in Yate, but there are a few suppliers around Congresbury.

Brandel Rare Breeds near Wellington were very nice when I spoke to them, but never been there.


Have you tried the RSPCA at Brent Knoll - they were due some ex-batts last Saturday. All were reserved, but you never know.



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Hi, Just a thought. The BHWT Dorset rescue 10 days ago had a few hens left over. It's in the heart of Dorset, so no more miles from Somerset than what we travelled. If you get onto the BHWT site and look up the contact Number of the Dorset rescuer, I'm sure she may be able to help you out with a few lovely ex bats hens. Good Luck.

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THANK-YOU for the advice and tips,I've tried all possibole routes for rescue chickens and failed (seems there are lots of people offering homes at the moment, but some difficulty getting them out of the farms to start with, I guess due to all the publicity). I didn't want to leave my chicken alone too long, so got 2 chickens of Friday from Meadowsweet polutry (a white star and a blackrock) and so far they all seem to be getting on OK - fingers crossed !

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