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dogs and chickens

My Snowy is so clever!

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Hi All,


My girls have been off the lay (well the ones that were laying in the first place!). I was so miffed as I had just sold all the eggs, and was thinking that's ok as I will have some more later, and no eggs came, it was getting close to having to go down the shop and buy some :shock: !


Yesterday we had just the one egg, then today we have had three so far, and my Snowy had laid the biggest! 70g so pleased with my clever chook. I thought to myself I will have a lovely fryed egg for lunch and :shock: of all it was a double yolker 8) . So clever!


By the way does anyone else's white star's lay brown eggs? One of mine lays brown with dark brown specks, and one (Snowy) lays brown with white specks. I'm not worried as I love them dearly but just thought it was weird as they should be laying the white eggs :roll: !


And here are the pics of my clever girl's egg:






It was very tasty as well!



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