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More protein

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Do chickens get all the protein they need from their layers pellets or should I supplement it? It was suggested that hens sometimes feather peck because they are low in protein.


If so, what is the best way to increase their protein intake?


Advice gratefully received :D


Chili xx

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I think they generally do get all they need from their pellets, but if it's particularly cold, or they are under the weather or moulting, extra protein does help. I regularly give mine tinned tuna or catfood (both of which they would kill for) although only in very small quantities - half a tiny tin of tuna between 5, mixed with their supper, which is usually greens or other leftover veg. It's all a bit trial and error, but you'll soon get used to it.

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Hi Chili


From what I hear, feather pecking is caused mainly by stress, not lack of protein - but the protein in new feathers is tasty to an omnivorous species like the domestic chicken :)


If your chickens are not feather-plucking, I wouldn't worry about protein - layers pellets contain all the main nutrients they need ("best before" dates allowing). Extra protein is useful in some circumstances, e.g. during a moult, as new feathers are made of keratin which is a protein.


More useful in general terms would be extra vitamins and minerals. A combination of fresh greens (e.g. cabbage, broccoli, lettuce) and poultry spice (available from the Omlet shop or most country stores) will keep your hens in tip-top condition :)

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