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we have 1st and 2nd egg!!!

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I was soooo comfy in bed this morning that OH offered to make the first cuppa. He then arrived back upstairs brandishing a very small but beautiful dark brown, slightly speckled egg. He thought I'd left it in there as a trick...as if I would. He is convinced that one of the girls laid it last night/this morning! As I read the forum and have digested every s"Ooops, word censored!" of information about eggs, I said it must have been laid yesterday afternoon before bedtime. He swears blind that he checked several times and that it wasn't there...but he did admit that he didn't check before bed :oops:


So this little offering was "oooh"ed and "aahhh"ed over with both children declaring that they should have the first egg as they love the hens the most! OH declared that he had seen Gretta returning to the eglu and that he thought there would be another along soon. Again the family chicken expert declared that this was unlikely, as this egg had only appeared in the last 12 hours and it was most likely to be Gretta's (Mabel is definitely more immature than Florence and Gretta, and Gretta is top hen) then she is unlikely to lay 2 eggs in 12 hours.


So when we went down for breakfast, deciding that there would be a communal dippy egg, OH pops out to the eglu, only to return with another egg :shock: !


This he is certain Gretta laid, as she was seen returning to the eglu (although given his skill with remembering names it is possible that Florence had returned!). So both children got to have a dippy egg each. Egg 1 weighed in at 36g and egg 2 was 40g. The colour was identical so again I am guessing that Gretta laid them. :D She is a clever girl but is she a genius? Has any one else had 2 eggs from the same hen at their first attempt? Could it be a sort of unidentical twin thing - if such a thing exsists?


Now trying not to be too impatient for the next present in the eglu.

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