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Do Chickens bother Tortoises I wonder?

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Hi Have just completed my Eglu run setup which is next to the outdoor tortoise garden I made to allow Daisy and Matilda to "free range" in the summer months. It has just occured to me that the chickens due to be collected tomorrow may bother the tortoises - they are pretty quick to retreat to their shells but wonder if anyone else has any experience of they could share. Many Thanks


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Our tortoise and chooks all free range together and there are no problems :D:D:D


In fact I don't think our chooks think Daisy is anything other than a large slow moving stone. If she's in the way they just walk over her :roll::roll:


I do find I have to put her food in a place the chooks can't get to otherwise they eat it up before she has had a chance to eat :anxious:

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