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Photos of My New Chooks!!

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They are lovely, what breed is the speckled one ?

From one technophobe to another - I may not be much help ( I'm still pathetically pleased when I manage to post my own photos without help ! :lol: )

I have my photos in an album on another site ( someone suggested photobucket- though I've never used it ) I left click on the photo I want to post, that brings up the location (?) starting http/ etc , left click that, then go 'copy', have your omlet' post a reply/new topic' page open, left click 'Img' then right click and go 'paste' you should end up with [img/]at the front and at the end, do a preview to check it works, hope that's some help - it works for me.!

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meezers, I can't get it to work!!!


The speckeld one is apparently a Millefleur, and yes the Frizzle does look like she spent too long under a hairdrier! We also think she looks like shes been electrocuted - but she is really cute, but digs like nothing else!!!

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