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17 Week old chicken getting lots of new feathers

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One of our gingernuts is still very very timid and tends to hang back when the others are feeding or getting treats.


Yesterday my husband managed to pick her up for a cuddle (which she was very unhappy about :( ) so I took the chance to look her over and found that she has lots of new feathers growing on her neck and round her bum. I have found a few feathers in the run and round the garden but not too many - only one or two a day and some are definately from the black hens


I've checked the others (they are all similar in age) and they don't have any new feathers appearing. How long to do feathers take to grow to look like 1/4 inch spiky quills? Is it likely that she has been bullied before we got her and is just starting to recover or do I need to be on the lookout for a bully in our little flock?


I'd appreciate any advice you can give me

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From what I can remember they do have a series of partial moults up to 20 weeks as they are still replacing their young feathers with their final adult plumage. Because their feathers are so dense, you shouldn't really notice any bald areas or regrowth as it is just a few at a time. I think it takes a couple of weeks for a feather to grow fully. :D Having said that, I wouldn't worry that it is more noticeable on your gingernut, they all moult at different rates anyway!

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