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Guinea pig clinic

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The chicken forum is full of health problems, solutions and preventative ideas. It made me wonder whether - does anyone worm their guinea pig? Does anyone have any other regular treatment they use? Does anyones g-pig get fleas?


Apart from trimming nails, checking teeth and checking for fleas...I don't really do much else - am I forgetting anything? Phoebe (long hair) gets additional bathing and trimming to ensure she stays clean, but that's about it.


I would be interested in your thoughts.

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Hi, good question we give our guinea pigs a little diatom in there water every so often like our hens..it deals with parasites and worms apparently although we have never seen anything like that..my 5 piggers live in our lounge 2 boys in one cage and I'll get back to that in a moment..and a single girl in another cage ..she was bullied and prefers her teddy for company now... and mummy and one daughter in a separate cage. The only other thing apart from exercise that we have found necessary is to clean the boys poo sacs out occasionally hope no one is eating... they can get blocked from time to time and swell up so they need to be cleaned girls dont seem to need it, we have to use an oily cotton bud and wipe round the inside of the boys "bums" so to speak and clean all the hay and stuff out... it's an absolutely horrid job.. but hey they feel beter afterwards... ps you'll need lots of kitchen roll/tissue to put the dirty buds in a a nose peg...it's not the nicest of jobs...

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I'm a bit torn on the worming thing. I do tend to worm with oral ivermectin, but probably not strictly regularly.


I check weekly for long toe nails, long hair that needs trimming, dirty bums, any fungal skin problems/signs of mites etc. Guinea pigs aren't prone to fleas - it's mites that they get most, and sometimes lice.

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