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my avatars huge.... can somebody help?

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It looks smashing - perfect size so don't worry. Sometimes you get a little hiccup when photos upload which makes them look ginormous to you but not to anyone else. I had the same problem yesterday. If you click off the internet and then back on again, it's usually sorted itself out.

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Hi guys!

I was very suprised (and pleased) to find that my avatar looked ok to everybody else! It filled up the whole of my screen, meaning that all the text was in about a 2" strip along the side of the screen! It does now seem to have returned to normal size! Thank you for your words of reassurance. All I need to do now, is work out how to have a changing avatar (Buttercup needs to be featured there too, or else I will be accused of favouratism)!

Peanut12: I am indeed not a member of the big is beautiful brigade! My girls lay wonderful, perfect, gorgeous (small) eggs! :lol:

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