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Can anyone advise on flooring?!?

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Hi, I am due to get some chooks this weekend but hubby yet to build run, I am unsure if we should leave it as earth, it is under a conifer tree and so will be fairly dry, or put concrete down. if we do the later what does everyone do with the wood shavings/poo can it be composted? what is aubiose and hemcore and where does it come from? hubby wants to put a drain around run to pressure wash poo into but noone elso seems to have one so what do you all do with the flooring, just sweep up? what about mites and lice? this is all a bit mind boggling and as I am collecting them saturday I am starting to panic, I am sure it will all be fine but all the info I thought i had collected doesn't seem quite enough!!! We will be puting the chicks on the grass for the time being till I can get the run as trouble and bug free as possible... all tips greatly received

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It's quite natural to panic just before you get your chickens - don't worry, it will all work out :D .


I use hemcore on a soil base but I do have slabs round the sides. I just rake up the top layer of soil/hemcore after 6 weeks or so and chuck it straight on the compost (it's very good for compost bins, especially with added chicken poo!). A sprinkle of garden lime, new hemcore and it's good as new :) .

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