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Abbey Road Girl

aubiose stockist in or near Banbury?

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A Cube and four Miss Pepperpots are due to arrive on the 17th. The site for the Cube and standard run has been cleared and made level(ish), but I am worried about the bare soil being too mucky.


The big favourite from what I gleaned in the forum is Aubiose, with Hemcore runner up in the popularity sweepstakes, though some people use Easibed.


I would like to avoid Easibed which is wood chippings as some people find their chooks eat it. But Aubiose and Hemcore are made of hemp.


Since we can't grow our own :? I need to find a stockist in the Banbury area where my son will be working this week (he has a car and I don't).


Alternatively, does anyone know of a stockist who delivers? I don't mind paying a delivery charge (think how much I save by not driving) but the research I've done on the internet seems to suggest that stockists can't be bothered to make small deliveries.

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