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Victoria Goren

Hurt or Scared?

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We've had our rabbit, Stewie, for a little over a month now and ten minutes ago I was in the garden where he free ranges and something happened, so he ran and the dog (who has been fine with him up until this) chased after him, and Stewie hit his side on something and now he's not moving much and making a funny noise when he breathes, although if I try to pick him up he runs. Could he be scared or hurt? I've put him in his hutch now with his food and water.

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I would suggest you take him to the vet and get him checked out. It could be he's just winded himself but if he is making noises when he breathes I think it's worth checking out.


Maybe give him a bit of time to calm down first unless he really seems in pain as going to the vet is stressful in itself.


Good luck.

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If he's looking better that's good news. My rabbits do get very skittish when scared and can take a while to calm down. Try giving him a treat eg a bit of biscuit, I know it's not good for them but it may take his mind off being scared. Mine also calm down if they are cuddled.


If he is still snorting later and is scared still I would still suggest taking him to the vet. It is a good opportunity to register him and give him a health check if there is nothing else wrong.

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