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new to GP owning!

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Ok it started with, my husband's mother's boyfriend's son's GP - Candy - coming to stay with us for a week while they were away but now it appears that they don't have the room to keep her inside and they werne't to keen on putting her outside so now we have her permanently! After readingt hat they should be kept in pairs today (while shopping for Chicken things for the ones we're getting tomorrow) we buy the most gorgeous ball of fluff ever - Maffu! So no they're both in the cage and seem to be getting along fine.


Candy is 3 years old and not sure about Maffu but she's only about 5 inches long. Just wondered if they're getting along now is it likely they'll be fine or can there be a delay?


Candy deffo seems a lot happier although that could be that Maffu came with a load of straw bedding in her box which we put in the cage to make her more comfortable and Candy is basically eating it all!!


To begin with when Candy went over to Maffu, Maffu made some noises also like doves cooing. Is that good?


Sorry for all the questions but I know nothing about GPs!



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Firstly you did the right thing getting Candy a friend :D . The first signs seem good (gentle cooing, chuck chuck and squeaking is normal happy guinea pig talk).


However, there can be a delay! After they have got to know each other they sometimes have to decide who is in charge. There can be small fights and 'rumble strutting' (see http://www.jackiesguineapiggies.com). Most of the time they sort it out between themselves - but my only concern with your g-pigs is a possible size difference. Ideally, if they are not related, they should be a similar size - watch out for the bigger one bullying the little one.


Another good web site I used a a newby g-pig owner was http://www.guinealynx.info/


I hope everything stays peaceful - enjoy your new pets

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Ok first night and things seem to have gone ok!


Maffu is very skittish, how long does it take for them to relax and calm down a bit?


I don't want to keep stressing her by trying to stroke her but at the same time want to get her used to contact.



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I know its tempting...but I would leave them for a week just to settle in. Put the cage in a room where its not too busy, but they can get used to your voices and normal sounds. Try feeding them through the bars. After a week or so, I would get them out on your lap for 5 mins every day (they will probably freeze with fear :shock: ), they eventually get used to it - especially if you feed them cucumber whilst you are holding them.


Some g-pigs remain skittish - one of mine still panics and hides when I go in the room. And when I turn the dishwasher on, like I do EVERY day, she still panics thinking the world is about to end. But she is also happy to sit on my knee and be stroked for HOURS!!! :D

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I'm new here but rescue G Pigs.

Many guinea pigs that come to us are skittish as they've not been handled much. Some will dash around their cages in a blind panic.

We advise getting the guinea pig out of the cage as quickly as possible with 2 firm hands (so move any tunnels and igloos and hiding places first)

Once you've grasped the Gpig, sit down with the piggy held close to you but firm. They will feel safe and not try to run off. We recommend stroking constantly whilst talking in a soothing voice.

The guinea pig will soon relax, do this a few times a day until the guinea pig isn't bothered.


Always sit down somewhere safe with a skittish gpig because if they do jump, they can break their front teeth and be unable to eat.

Once they get comfortable and relaxed, we then feed them dandelion leaves whilst they're on out knees and they soon appreciate you and resist the urge to run and hide.


So pleased you got a friend for yours, it makes such a difference to them.



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