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Ferrets - a warning

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We recently had a very scary experience with our girls. At about half two one morning, the girls were going absolutely crazy in their run (we don't shut them in their Eglu/Cube in the summer) as a ferret had got in and was going into the Cube. Lots of feathers everywhere, and some very scared chickens, but no injuries. It turns out the neighbours down the road had had a suspected break-in and their five ferrets had escaped. Three are still on the loose.


My warning is that if you have a Cube, beware the smallish gaps at the back of the run (directly behind the wheels), because this is where the ferret got in - we've now covered these with chicken wire to stop it happening again. Also, we'll be shutting the girlies in at night till the rogue ferrets are found.


Just be aware - it isn't just foxes that can have a pop at your girlies... :evil:

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That's the plan - got a mate who keeps ferrets (not the chap whose ones escaped I hasten to add!) so we're going to have to try that. Now they know where the chickens are, they'll more than likely be back :shock: We even keep the garden floodlight on now to try and persuade them not to come knocking at the chicken run door! :roll:

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