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Newbie - just wanted to say Hi

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Hello there


I have been lurking around the forum for a couple of months (that sounds very sinister oops) :shock:

I have convinced my partner that we need chickens and he has agreed with a little prompting to build a run.

So here are my first questions...

We are hoping to have a run 4.5ft by 9ft (40.5ft), how many chickens could we have?

We work all day so would only be able to let them free range in the evening and at weekends, would this be ok?

Also what breeds do you suggest, would be nice to have a few different ones, not really looking for maximum egg production, a few eggs and friendly chickens would be the best.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for all the advice I have already got from the forum.


Karen :)

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Hi from a fairly new chook keeper - we've had ours almost 4 weeks now, I agree , you NEED chickens :lol:

Your run is a bit smaller than mine, they say 1 square metre per chook , so if i've done my conversions correctly I think 4 chickens would be about right. Mine are let out each afternoon and tend to wander back to their run after a couple of hours, so evenings and weekends should be fine.

I browsed this forum and made a list of all the breeds I liked and suggestions made, then went to the breeders and ended up getting one of everything :lol: They all have their own personalities and I'd be hard put to choose between them, I think make a list of your preferred breeds, but go to the breeders and see what chooses you. :D

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