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I have 3 hens laying regularly - Lottie , Margo and Hattie, they thoughtfully lay easily distinguished eggs, so I know whos had a day off. Elsie was laying in March, but hasn't been near the nest box for the last 2 weeks, so think she's out of the picture at the moment.

Bluebelle and pepper aren't laying or crouching, though Pepper has the reddest comb/wattles of the lot of them.

Yesterday Hattie had a day off - though i'm sure I saw her in the nest box. When I went to clean out the coop, I found a large ,pale ,softshelled egg broken on the floor, it didn't look like Hatties, but as she had left nothing in the nestbox I thought maybe it was her having a blip ?

Today Margo had a day off - though, again, I'm sure I saw her go into the nest box :? . Cleaning out the coop just now I found a small, pinkish, soft shell egg on the floor, nothing like margos.

I'm now wondering if the softie yesterday was from pepper, and todays was from bluebelle ( I'm sure I read that bluebelles lay pinkish eggs ? )neither of them are crouching, but they both go into the coop when the others are laying, Bluebelle was in there for ages this morning !

Does this sound the likeliest answer ? I haven't had any softies from the laying girls in the nest box, so are Pepper and Bluebelle 'practising ' while the 'big girls' are laying ? :lol:

I will try to get some limestone flour tomorrow, but they have oyster shell and crushed , baked egg shell, I suppose it's just coincidence that they are both laying soft shells to begin with ?( if it is them doing the laying ! )

You guys never warned me that the chooks would give me so much to ponder and worry over !

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