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pellets v mash those who have changed

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i got some mash to let the chickens have as porridge, to stop my kids giving to many treats they still think this is.

today i spilt a bit, and wow they went mad and hoovered it up, they dont do this with there pellets.

so in there tub today ive put tub of pellets and tub of mash and they think its there birthday, never seen them eats as much, some days when on pellets,i seem to be wasting it freshing it up.

do those who have changed from pellets to mash find there chickens better for it :?:

egg laying the same or better or worse :?:

as much wasted with mash :?:

do u htink i should change them or see how it goes?

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after reading an earlier post about pellets Vrs mash, I brought mash this time and boy do they love it :lol:


I don't think that they have touch the pellets since I put the mas in the run,

in fact I have not filled up the mash to ensure that they finish the pellets.


Thanks for the tip.....it has made my girls very happy.

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after reading an earlier post about pellets Vrs mash, I brought mash this time and boy do they love it :lol:


I don't think that they have touch the pellets since I put the mas in the run,

in fact I have not filled up the mash to ensure that they finish the pellets.


Thanks for the tip.....it has made my girls very happy.

i think im gonna be doing htat changing to mash

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I've sort of gone the other way - I changed mine to organic mash from standard mash and they wasted so much by picking out the bits they wanted and throwing the rest on the floor that i was worried they weren't getting a balanced diet so I bought some organic pellets.


They're not keen on the pellets so i'm mixing them in with the mash and also I've gone back to standard mash so hopefully I've covered all bases!



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After the advice on here the other day I ordered a small bag of layers mash from eBay which arrived today. Although it was nearly bedtime for the chooks I gave them a small dish of the mash and they absolutely gobbled it down in about two minutes! They always totally ignore the pellets so this is a major breakthrough!


I did have one worry, though, and that is that there was no label or ingredients list etc, it was just in a carrier bag, as though the seller has split a big bag into smaller bags for profit. That isn't a problem with me, but I would have liked a breakdown of what it is I'm feeding my chooks. Can you go far wrong with layers mash??

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After the advice on here the other day I ordered a small bag of layers mash from eBay which arrived today. Although it was nearly bedtime for the chooks I gave them a small dish of the mash and they absolutely gobbled it down in about two minutes! They always totally ignore the pellets so this is a major breakthrough!


I did have one worry, though, and that is that there was no label or ingredients list etc, it was just in a carrier bag, as though the seller has split a big bag into smaller bags for profit. That isn't a problem with me, but I would have liked a breakdown of what it is I'm feeding my chooks. Can you go far wrong with layers mash??


same here i was only thinking same, ive heard there is grit etc but im not sure, can anyone say

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