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Cleaning Cube Run - Any Top Tips?

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Hi All,


We've got a cube and 3m run on concrete slabs with auboise. We're really happy with our setup but could do with some advice on run cleaning. How often should we totally replace the auboise in our run? And should we do some interim poo picking?


We did try to rake out the run today (as an interim measure) but it wasn't very successful. We'd be really grateful for any advice!



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Hi, We have a cube with Hemcore as a base of our old compost heap. I find I completely rake it all out and put fresh down every 3-4 weeks or when it looks black and disgusting, or when we have visitors coming round who I know will want to look at the chickens close up. I never know whether my sense of smell around chickens has gone numb so like to know that they are on fresh hemcore when visitors come round. Very difficult to clean inside the metal enclosure though. Is this helpful...?

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My friend suggested sucking it up with a leaf vacuum???? Never tried it but she says she cleans the grass her guineapigs have been on with it. Just a thought.


I'm interested to hear more responses to this as I'll be in the same position come 3rd June.


Also whilst I think on . . Is it possible to swing a cube and 3m run round to the side to get under it to clean out?

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To be truthful, I don't. When I first got them, last Sept, I used to poopick every day, but now I dont. The hemcore seems to swallow up the poos mysteriously so the poos are sometimes difficult to spot anyway. If I see a large one then I will get rid of it straight away - what a lovely subject. I dont know what your base covering is like. Hemcore is used for horses and very good. Have you had your cube long?

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I think it lovely to be keen when everything is new and clean. It is very difficult to keep it that way though, that is the problem. I also use newspaper to line the litter trays to make cleaning out easier. I also have a spare set of bars so can use the clean set when the dirty set are being cleaned. I think this helps prevent red mites, as they love dirty wood, and will hide on the ends of the bars.

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Aubiose/hemcore does indeed have magical poo-disguising properties. I have never poo-picked, I just don't have time. I rake the aubiose out about every six weeks or so (I did laugh at the comment about 'if visitors are coming', chicken-lickin, because that's what I do too!).


I have only had my Cube a few weeks, but I find that if I remove all Glubs and Grubs, I can engage the wheels and shift it a few feet. I have one extension - is that 3m? I wouldn't want to wheel it down the garden, but it is moveable.


When I got my first Eglu, I cleaned it religiously every week. Gradually that wore off - the hens really don't seem to mind, and as long as it doesn't smell I reckon it's ok. I make do with emptying the poo-trays regularly, and then clean it when I have time.

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