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Help - Betty tried (very hard) to eat Mabel's softie egg.

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Last night the girsl had gone into the Eglu, so I opened the nest box door just to check on them and noticed an egg in the nest box - I was really suprised as yesterday was our 1st 3 egg day and didn't think they would be capable of laying anymore!


I noticed the egg was a softie and went to get it, however before my hand even went in Betty had pecked it and broke it, spilling it into the nest box. With a piece of the shell in her beak, she then legged it out of the nest box into the garden!!!!


Whilst she didn't actually eat the egg, she was quite determined and if we hadn't been there she would have done.


A couple of normal eggs have had a peck dent in them, though haven't broken the shell and after last nights shenanigans, I am left wondering whether I should be worried that our future eggs are not going to get to us in one piece?


As usual, any advise please? :D

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I have had about 4 occaisions when a softy/thin shell has been eaten over the last couple of months, but despite my worries this has not led to them doing the same to 'normal' eggs.


I would keep an eye and collect eggs as soon as you can for a while, but it might not go on to full egg eating behaviour.



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My hens always ate poor Alma's softies, which she had fairly regularlly before she died, just wherever she happened to be standing.


The same hens never touched anything with a shell laid in the proper place, so I wouldn't worry too much.


At least the eggs aren't being wasted. They look so good, apart from the fact there is no shell!

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