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Simone Harwood

Chickens wormed, but still under weight!

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I took one of my chickens to the vets just over a month ago as suspected a worm infestation as when I picked up my chickens they were all very under weight suddenly, wormer was done about 4 weeks ago but picked two of them up over the past few days and they are still underweight! Quite concerned now as would have thought they would have put weight on a bit by now, I increased the food slightly too. Any ideas? Does it take a while for them to put the weight back on after a worm infestation or could something else be the problem?


Worried chicken owner! :(

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When you say you increased their food, are you only putting out a measured amount daily?


They should have access to layers pellets or mash all day, so that they can feed ad lib.


Laying hens do tend to be leaner than hens raised for the table.

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I feed them according to the Chicken Encyclopedia book I have, I know a scoop I have is the right measurement for them twice a day. I feed them layers pellets in the morning and there is usually some left in the feeder in the evening when I then feed them mixed corn, they also get veg and fruit. I managed to catch my third chicken yesterday and she has put on weight again quite well still a little underweight. Maybe I need to give them a bit longer, just realised one of them has gone broody so that would explain that one I guess. Still one quite skinny one though! It wasn't flubevet (or what ever the name is I keep seeing on this site) think I will try and get hold of that one next time though.

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If I were you I'd leave off the mixed corn for the time being and fill their feeder with good quality layers pellets and let them have it ad lib all day.


Replenish on a daily basis. Don't be too concerned with measuring out amounts as specified in a book for a while.

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One of my girls is very thin too. She had started laying about a month ago, but has stopped. She seems to be eating and drinking fine and outwardly doesnt appear to be distressed. Perhaps I need to worm her - although flubenvet so expensive for the amount you need as you can only buy it ready mixed for large flocks. I understand it should be available sometime in smaller doses shortly but is awaiting Government approval. Hopefully Marjorie will be okay til then. Does anyone know if you can get small doses of flubenvet from the vet - and how much does it cost?

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Does anyone know if you can get small doses of flubenvet from the vet - and how much does it cost?


I know some people get small qty's from the vet, but I wonder if buying a pot might be a good investment. I bought mine in January from Petmeds.co.uk £14.28 and used it in Jan, June and am now dosing again due to drop in egg production. So 3 times just this year.


wormers.co.uk sell it for £13.50

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Try giving your hens layers mash as well as the pellets. Also, it is good advice to have plenty of food for them througout the day. I find that my hens will eat alot of their mash in the mornings, then later in the evening will have a large meal again. I know this sounds silly, but, also make sure they can reach the food. If you have been measuring it out, maybe they cannot reach to the bottom of the food container, which would then make you think that they were not hungry.

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