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Help. Gollys pecking Boco

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Golly laid her first egg this morning and ever since then she has spent the day pecking Boco. I went out for 3 hours come back and Boco's bum has a great bald patch.

I've looked at Boco's skin and can't see anything.


Has she got a big head since she laid the egg and its a boss thing? or is something wrong with Boco?


I've let them out to free range and she stopped for about half an hour, now she's sort of posturing with her chest stuck out and started on them both, Ginger aswell now. I've just shot out and put her back in the run so I could type this.


Please help, all was nice and peaceful till this morning :(


Heres some pictures of poor bald Boco






What do I do?

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This happened to my 2. The pecking order had been sorted out, then Babs (Pepperpot) started plucking feathers out of Ginger (Gingernut) quite savagely - funnily enough this started after Babs had started laying. Babs would pull Ginger by the tail feathers out of the Eglu. Ginger now has a bald patch on her chest & at the top of her left leg. We took Babs back to Omlet this morning & replaced her with 2 more Gingernut's....we've sprayed to 2 new girls with Ukadex because Ginger was chasing them & pecking them...& my god, it stinks to high heaven!! But at the moment it's working as Ginger keeps wiping her beak on the chippings every time she goes near Nigella or Delia...you can get it from P & T poultry & it's £14.99

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Hi thanks for the replys.


I did get the anti peck rings before the chooks arrived, couldn't get bumper bits. Didn't really know what size to get so got 3 of each. Big and small. I think we are going to have to fit one, but I still can't decide what size. Any help?


For once I planned ahead, thanks to you guys. But I was hoping I wouldn't need them :(

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I think that looks right from what I can see.

We used a peck ring of the same design and our chook was able to eat and drink fine. There were a few treats that she couldn't manage, but pellets and water were no problem.

We took ours off after a couple of weeks and have not had a problem since...I hope you find it works for you too. Good Luck and don't feel bad about the ring, she'll be fine!

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Hi all,


Crickey, what a day it's been. From all the excitement of Golly's first egg this morning to something that was not far from chicken carnage this evening! (Tempted to wallow in self spity here) :cry:


I read everything I could find whilst waiting for my girls to arrive and while on a weeks holiday visited the Domestic Fowl Trust in Evesham and spotted the Anti Peck Rings! I thought that if I bought some I hopefully wouldn't need them. (Stupid) :roll:


My beautiful Golly seemed to change, after laying her first egg, from the most sensible chicken, ever, to a complete bully with extra attidude, pecking a hole in Boco's back and then starting on Ginger.


I put the anti pecking ring on Golly :shock: and so far all has calmed down. She seems to be able to eat and drink and although still tries to peck both of the other girls, she doesn't seem to be able to do any damage.


Can anyone tell me whether, when either of the other girls lay their first egg, they are likely to start with the attidude?


I do realise that I could be sounding like a complete wimp here and that I might sound as though I over am reacting. I just didn't want it to become a 'thing' that would get out of hand.


After all this, Golly's first egg is still sitting in the kitchen :shock: I never got to cook it :cry:


This is a very steep learning curve.


I very knackered Lucy

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Bless you what a day !!, I had a similar problem , but my then 2 non layers were pecking my pepperpot who was laying , then my sussex started pecking my gingernut ( who started bleeding so my pepperpot started pecking her :shock::? sooo............


brought bumperbits and they have all got them on and immediatly there was calm . so hopefully things will settle down and if not you have the rings there already ( i know its not plesant to put them on but they do the job ) but after the initial sulking from them :roll: they get used to them and they are still your friends!!!

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