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Crooked Chicken

Introducing battery girls to my existing girls?

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Hi there


Does anyone out there have experience of introducing battery girls to an existing flock?


I've had the batts for 3 weeks in a separate eglu and run, and can't wait to introduce them to my larger enclosed run with the existing 2 girls. Two of the batts are well covered with feathers, but one is still missing quite a few on her back and bottom area.


Do I need to wait until all hens are fully covered with feathers before introducing them to my other girls?? What do you think




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No you don't need to wait, one of ours never feathered up. I think I started by letting the ex batts have some time free ranging so they could get the hang of the garden then after a while I let them all free range together. By that time the ex batts had got over the novelty of being outside and knew the places to hide from my horrible existing lot. Then after a few days of that I think we put them to bed together and let them out straight away to free range the next day and they all gradually blended together. You know your hens best, if they seem fairly fit and healthy then give it a go, just keep a watch out although our exbatts were probably more vicious than the big girls!!

good luck


Mrs B

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