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If egg bound how long should before begining massage?

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I think Ethel maybe egg bound, no egg for two days now, has that hunched looked about her, not as interested in food and is generally looking low.


This afternoon she went to try and lay and was up there around an hour but no result!


How long before I have to try and massage her? Could it be a particularly difficult soft egg?


Am I worrying too soon or is it a case of the sooner I try to help the better?


:oops: Ashamed to say that it will be the first time I've err dealt with a hen's rear end and I'm a little nervous!

Any help or advice would be lovely.

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Is she is returning to the next box often, it could be a stuck egg or a softie.


If she is still hunched in the morning, then put her in a bowl of warm water for 20 minutes or so to relax her and her vent. Hopefully the egg will pass.


Some people hold them over a steaming bowl of very hot water, but you really do have to hold them for a long time - I found the warm water bath to be easier.


Make sure she is drinking still. Try adding a little honey to her water to encourage her to drink.


Let us know how you get on, all the best


C x

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Thanks Christian,


Ethel has only gone up once (for a long time) to try and lay rather than keep revisiting, oddly enough her neck is less hunched in today if you know what I mean.


I will have a bowl of warm water at the ready if there is no egg today!


They've all had some poultry drink last thing yesterday, so maybe that's perked her up a bit!

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:( No egg still, though she normally is a late in the day layer, it's normally by now!


Yesterday I gave her a warm bath for around 20minutes and massaged her, I really couldn't feel anything, but I wondered whether I was feeling in the right place?! :oops: Where I think the egg would be is behind her legs below the vent? I think today is actually day 4, unheard of for her not to have laid!


In herself though she is really perky now, not hunched or looking sorry for herself, almost as if she's laid it and hidden it somewhere!!


Very strange.

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