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Abbey Road Girl

think Sweetie needs a bumpa bit--where can I get one?

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Hello all,


I've missed being active in the forum (family and work problems), so overdue commerisations and best wishes to all.


Methinks I have a feather plucker (and eater since I find no feathers in the run) in the form of Sweetie. The three other Pepperpots all show signs of having been feather-plucked, while Sweetie remains in a pristine condition, feathers intact.


The condition of the feather-plucked seems to be fairly stable at the moment, only one hen showing an occasional flash of flesh, but it seems to me that a bumpa bit may be in order, giving that the culprit seems to have given the game away.


Egluntine has probably long given away her once vast supply, so who do I contact to get a mere singleton?


Many thanks for you advice!

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Does anyone know if and where you can get bumper bits for bantam polands (Mine are just about the height of a tin of beans) I am assumming you would need smaller size for such little birds.

Everything is fine with my three as long as only two are kept together, if I put all three together someone gets scalped, literally (it's not nice to see)

It don't matter which one I seperate, so it's not a case of one particular bird being the culprit, they have more than enough space.

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Thank you so much, Claire! The bumpa bit (and spare) arrived in the post on Saturday. I think that my builder who originally said, "I don't like them!" but on short acquaintance began considering getting his own hens, may be a bit surprised to be asked tomorrow to hold Sweetie while I try to fit the bit. :|


I think I understand how the bit should work. In human terms, I think that it's like having braces which fit inside your mouth hooked up over your ears, even though with hens the braces would fit into your nostrils instead.


Does that make sense?

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