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Ideal number of chooks?

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Have one resident chook and also bought a new one today (they had a frightening fight today and poor Rosie came off worse)


The friendly guy at Thorne's advised us if the bullying carries on then the introduction of another chook (to make 3) might be advised due to one always being top dog (Henrietta) and it might stop poor Rosie bearing the brunt of all the bullying.


Also I have a normal Eglu, how many can be safely homed in a Eglu. Is 3 advisable?

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Hi.. I've just got two more from Thorne's.. we have an eglu and standard run. Once our two new chooks are fully integrated they'll be free ranging all day.


If you tell the guy at Thorne's (Karl) or one of the others that you have an eglu, they'll let you know what kind of Chooks will fit well. I understand four is a maximum. But some birds can grow quite large..


We picked up a Silvernick and a Skyline. The silver nick is very calm and they recomended her because she is very easy to handle and general all round good chook. Lots of eggs. We got the Skyline for her blue eggs, but she is much more timid and flighty.. So have a chat with them and they'll let you know what suits.


Have fun.. and good luck with introductions. You may need to keep new birds seperate during the day for a while.. Let them know what your set up is (free rangers or in run all day).


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Thanks for all the advice.


Had a few offers from helpful people who offered to lend me their spare Eglu's but remembered that I had a large metal dog cage in the loft which I set up right next to the Eglu and let the two of them get used to each other for a week then let them freerange for a couple of days with only the odd occasion of chasing and yesterday after freeranging, they both wandered into the Eglu together (though Henrietta did chase Rosie out of the Eglu 2 times at bedtime but third time she let her in for the night.) So all is well.


After Cluckie died and poor Henrietta was left on her own, we decided to get Rosie as a new friend for her but I'm thinking that (as Rosie has just been introduced) that we may go out again this week and get another so it makes 3 as it seems like a better number.


Is 3 ok in a standard run? we also let them out for a few hours a day supervised.


We've only got a small garden and cannot really fit an extension plus room for them to freerange (so the freeranging room wins)

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