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Broody hen - got cat cage - logisitics?

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Lucy has been broody for over a week and I am picking up a cat crate/cage from a friend's tonight. WE have 2 other hens, and have tried putting bricks in the nest boxes, ice in them and dipping her behind in cold water :shock:

So this is last resort. But I'm not sure when to put her in the cage - is it 24/7??. I have a home made coop and run and they free range alot. So do I leave the other 2's routine the same and just lock Lucy in the cage with food and water and literally leave her there for 3 or 4 days?

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Hiya, sorry I didn't see this thread until now. I put my broody in her cage for 3 full days and nights with food and water. Let your other girls have their usual routine and reunite them on day 4. If there's any signs of her trying to go onto the nest pop her straight back in her cage.

Good luck

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