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Jelly Eggs

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I have just had a rummage in the hen house as something was going on earlier and Sue the matriarch was turfing everybody out. We had a propper egg from Jaffa yesterday- but Sue is moulting and hasn't laid since Mel died last weekend.


Had a root around and found one perfectly formed "Jelly" egg and one yolkey like thing.... Is this my new ladies coming in to lay?


I have given the girls access to grit- but with all the up-heval lately wondered if its just somebody upset?


The new ladies are POL....


Any clues? :cry:

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Thank you very much for your reply- I saw else where about free ranging girls- does this effect the shells much? Mine have access to a pen all day as soon as they are let out- they dig the flower beds and can eat tthe grass- I also give them meal worms; greens; and corn; but the have the pellets first thing as advised they then eat that first; and the treats aren't every day :)


They have grit and water as you would expect- I did have a few hens when I was really young but cant remember that much about them... except they had their own paddock and could free-range as much as they liked.


Thanks for the advice; I will see if things improve and put it down to starting out.


Incidently we took a look inside the jelly egg ad it was a complete one- which fascinated my hubby :) He is in love with the hens.... my mum even calls him farmer Adam now....

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