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Bantam care and coops - a few questions

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We've amazingly just been given a 5ft bantam ark run. The first two feet is covered - it's wood, and the rest is proper fat foxproof wire. We intend to convert the wood bit to a coop - stick a wall in, a floor, a perch - but we're a bit stuck as to whether we need to add a separate nest box. Looking at bantam arks I can't see a nestbox bit on them. How do you do the nest box bit?


And is there a best time of year to get bantams? Do you get them at 20 weeks like big hens? Is it best to wait til spring given it's getting on for winter and they're tiny?


And do you need to pay attention to any different aspects of care or are they the same as big hens for upkeep? Grit, pellets, water, same in and out hours, same cleaning routines?


And does anyone know any Kent bantam people and where to find a comprehensive list of banty breeds?


Phew! Questions over!


Anna x

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Lucky you! :x


I'm getting some 15week old bantams in the spring because that's when I was told to get them.


The only other care issue is if you're thinking of getting bantams with fluffy feet or low tummys because of the poo so you would need to clean out a bit more often but other than that you should be fine.


I don't know about nest boxes you will have to ask someone else!


Have fun with your little chooks! :P



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My ark doesn't have a nesting box either, so I bought a free-standing one from FlytesoFancy. It has worked very well and is very popular with all my hens, bantams or otherwise.

Bantam care is exactly the same as for the other girls - although I don't have any with feathery legs, so can't comment on their care. Can't help you re breeders I'm afraid - I got mine from the Wernlas Collection, and they were between 12 and 15 weeks old when I collected them in January. Hope this helps.

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