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Is it possible to have a hen that never lays an egg?!

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Hi everyone, :angel:

I had my first ever chickens in July (Laverne & shirley!). I was told at the time they were both about 23 weeks old. Shirley was laying eggs within 2 weeks of settling in, however, Laverne has still not laid an egg. I was advised on this forum initially to check the combs and wattles to check for maturity & sure enough Shirley had nice big red ones and Laverne's were not as red and certainly not as big!

We have patiently waited for Laverne's comb and wattles to grow and change colour but nothing seems to be happening! She appears healthy in every other way but does not seem to be growing her comb and wattles and is not laying eggs.

Is this normal? Is it possible to have a chicken that does not lay an egg? :wink:

I'd be really grateful of any help or advice anyone may have.

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Hi there, it can happen, and we certainly had one that almost never laid although once every month or so she would grace us with a pure white egg :roll:

What sort of chicken is she? Some breeds can be very late to mature so if she was 23 weeks in july and say you were looking at another 10 weeks or so you might then end up having to wait until spring if she's a pure breed. She is actually a she I take it? It can be quite hard to sex some breeds which would DEFINITELY account for the lack of eggs! :lol:

Does she crouch when you put your hand over her back, cos that's always a good sign that they're getting ready to lay


It's not a good time of year for eggs, we have 8 potential layers at the minute - 2 eggs we got today :?


Mrs B

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The shortening days could be having an effect on her coming into lay.


Is she free ranging? Could she have set up an alternative spot under a shrub?


Have you checked for lice, mites and worms, which could also cause problems?


I'm sure she will get going eventually. Non-layers do happen , but are quite rare.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply :D

Shirley & Laverne are both Bovan Goldlines.

Laverne does crouch when you go to pick her up, but she has been doing this for a while now & no eggs!

They are free range, just in the bottom of the garden & occassionaly confined to their run, I have searched in likely places for any eggs but have not found any & when only in the run, it is still only Shirley who lays eggs!

Laverne, often stays in the house with Shirley as she is laying her egg, but never then sits on the egg etc, but leaves with Shirley. Is this a clue or just an inquisitive hen?!

Silly question!.... How do I sex chickens?!.... I clearly wrongly thought all male chickens were cockrels!!! :oops:

I have tried to look for mites / lice & worms and think everything is ok, although I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for!

They both seem very happy and healthy and are very cheeky! Laverne has got one toe on each foot in an "L" shape which points backwards, but has had this since we bought her and does not seem to cause her problems and she walks fine, but we wondered if it was possible to have a "runt" of the chicken family?!

Clearly, if Laverne turns out to be a non layer, she will still be loved just as much, I just wanted to check all was ok with her!

Thank you again for your help in this matter, :angel:


Cathy Fox!!

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Non-layers do happen , but are quite rare.


Diana hasn't laid an egg for months. Dolly hasn't either, but even she is more frequent than Diana. Barbara, the ex-bat (and our favourite!!) is a regular layer though! :dance:


I think Dolly & Diana are possibly too old to lay - is there some truth to that or do they just not bother after a while? :eh:


(I don't really know how old they all are to be honest. I think between 4 - 6 years old.)

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My silvernik hasn't started laying either. She's about 23 weeks old. But her comb and wattles still pretty small. She's not even squatting! The Skyline came into lay about 2 weeks ago and she was supposed to start a few weeks after the silvernik. They'll just do it when they're ready.


Silverniks like the Bovans are suposed to be very good layers so when she gets going I suspect we'll be getting great eggs from her. But now the days are shorter and it's much colder I guess we'll just have to be patient.


They'll get going eventually. Can't wait for the eggs.

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Well my bi sexual partridge cochin Boon is a mystery. She isn't the right colour for the male or female of this breed. She has some bright orange pointy feathers near her tail. She is 28 weeks old, not crowed & we have had 2 eggs off her so far! Very very confusing. I am going to take a photo of her to Wernlas next time I go, as I wonder if the wrong cockerel got the hen?

I bought Boon as an egg. She is very timid, runs away from you & doesn't seem to crouch. She is very big & Bumble does do his business with her. She is more like a Brahma crossed with a Welsummer! Stunning to look at though, I just wish I knew what she was.

At least her name suits her - Boon. It's a Thai name, so she could be a ladyboy! :lol:



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