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depressed chicken?

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I posted this on another thread but thought it might be better here.


Our Daisy hasn't seemed herself since laying her first and only one last Sunday. When she is in the run, she sits at the top of the ramp all hunched up. She's been a bit off her food, quiet, and not running round the garden. I thought she'd snap out of it in a couple of days, but its been a while now and she is a bit better but not back to how she was. I even did her favourite treat of rice today and she had a few pecks at it and then walked off.


I've had a look around on here for suggestions, but can't find anything really. So any help much appreciated

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I assume Daisy is just past POL so it is unlikely she is going into a moult of any kind.


When was she last wormed? If she free ranges she may have picked up worms and these can make them feel really bad. Try a course of Flubenvet if not done recently.


Another idea may be that she is laying, but only softies or shell-less eggs so you never see them as they may get eaten before you get there of just mixed in with the poo. Laying these makes hens feel real really poorly.


If this is the case she may need some extra calcium. Some people add lime stone flour or crushed egg shells to their food.


Personally I have found the easiest way (and gives the quickest effect) is to add Zolcan D to the drinking water, this has vitamin D3 in as well, and without this vitamin they can't absorb the calcium no matter how much you give them. You can order it off any of the pet med sites without a prescription.


Also cut out treats or keep to a bare minimum so she will get maximum nutrtition from her layers pellets.


I hope one of these ideas helps perk her up, fingers crossed.

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