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Martin B


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:roll: Football is amazing, and posts are amazing. Not just goal posts.


Fence posts too. I like fence posts me.



Martin - any idea how fit Mark Delaney is and whether he's likely to get a game for Villa soon? I've got him in my fantasy league team, but also would like to know whether he's likely to be OK for the Wales game against the Czech's next week.


Richard T

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Martin - any idea how fit Mark Delaney is and whether he's likely to get a game for Villa soon? I've got him in my fantasy league team, but also would like to know whether he's likely to be OK for the Wales game against the Czech's next week.


Mark is apparently fit and raring to go. However he is out at the moment with a Virus. :roll:

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:roll: it was a joke Martin :roll: i.e. I would rather drink furniture polish than wine from poland..............


never mind

you are too young to understand

(even though you have a dubious love of Baileys.........) :wink:



I'm not too young to understand, jsut don't know what you mean. If you know what I mean?


Baileys compliments a nice glass of ice or cup of coffee! :lol:

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Some very good points. I would ideally like all the major Midlands teams in the premiership, competing for the bragging rights of Best Team in the Midlands. I absoloutely loathe every Midlands Team (other than Derby County :lol: ), but to have rivals can push you on to result in success.

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