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Hi everyone , first post! I've been frantically reading this site for the last few weeks and absorbing as much info as i can. I have taken the plunge tonight and ordered my pink eglu and I'm so excited. I eat a kind of low carbohydrate diet so therefore eat quite a lot of eggs - how amazing that in a few weeks time I might be bringing them in from the garden! My wee girl can't wait and we spent the evening picking names from her favourite Disney films! I have a question which, when typing , seems very silly (probably the wine!) - Do the chickens respond to their name?Come when called?etc. Sorry, daft question I know! Right , off to do some more research on what breed i want, cheers.

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well, i think it depends what sort of mind frame they are in and what kind of a reaction youre looking for


one of mine does bella, and the other one penny,she just comes no matter what u say even if u just cough she come srunning ahh <3

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Hi, welcome feemcg :D

I'd like to think that mine respond to thir names.... but in all honestly I think they just respond to my voice, not actually to what I'm saying. If I call one, they'll all come running to greet me :D And they respond to the word "treats" much quicker than any name :wink:

They're adorable.... but pretty stupid really :roll:

But then again, clever enough to have me wrapped round their little starfish feet :wink:



(Sorry, Kate- pinched your "starfish feet" phrase there, very fitting though :wink: )

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Audrey used to come when her name was called, but is sulking a bit now that we have the two new girls. June has always been indifferent until she could see that you had treats. But both will come running if I shout "Bugs, Bugs" as they've worked out that this means that I'm about to move one of the large planters in our garden and there might be a few slugs or woodlice available.


Mini was going to be called Dorothy at first, but when we got her Mini seemed to suit her better. Their names are all connected to country music. June is named afer June Carter-Cash (wife of Johnny Cash), Audrey is named after the wife of Hank Williams, Emmylou is named after Emmylou Harris and Mini is named after Mini-Pearl a character from the Grand Ole Opry

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