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sti chick

they don't seem to.....

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eat any grit. its always in the bowl in the run but it never goes down...do you think they don't like the red bowl it in? :? I also have a pot inside the house next to the fresh water but again seems untouched. the grit is a mixture of oyster shell and mixed grit. I have had a couple of soft eggs and also cracked one where shell is weak....could that be due to them not touching the grit?



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Mine don't touch their grit for ages then a pot goes in a couple of days :shock:


The actual grit wont help with the soft shells, I think the grit is to grind the food up, I think the oyster shell might? help with the soft shells?? not that it helps as they arent taking it anyway :roll:


If they arent eating the shell you could try adding limestone flour to the pellets instead which will help with the soft shells, you can get it quite cheaply at horsey shops


I forget what your run stands on (thinks hard.... :think: ) if its on soil they might be getting the grit they need from the soil and thats why your pot stays full, you could try throwing some grit down on the floor for them if not and they will pick it up when they scratch if they need it

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Mine don't eat grit from the pot, but they pick it up if I scatter it on the ground for them.

One of mine was also laying thin shelled eggs, but I got a kilo of limestone flour (from local feed merchants) and mix a small scoop (about an eggcup size) into a porridge made from layers mash twice a week - Wednesdays & Saturdays, they love it and it resolved the problem nicely.

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One of mine was also laying thin shelled eggs, but I got a kilo of limestone flour (from local feed merchants) and mix a small scoop (about an eggcup size) into a porridge made from layers mash twice a week - Wednesdays & Saturdays, they love it and it resolved the problem nicely.

i got some today so will use it tomorrow . thanks for your help :D



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Last few months my lot have hardly touched their mixed grit. But then back in the Summer there were days when they would eat a quarter of a pot a day..... So as long as it is always on offer, don't worry if it is being eaten or not. They will take what they need.


I too have used Limestone Flour from the horse supply shop, to throw a bit in their feed when I had a spate of softies.

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