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Patricia W

What makes a cockerel crow early in the morning?

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I'm baffled! I'm sitting here at 6.34am expecting Phillip to crow and he's silent. Everthing seems to be the same as yesterday. Same level of light and sound excluding materials on the eglu and run, it's light, the birds are singing loudly, the odd car is going past, the cat is out with her bell jingling - and he's asleep! Yesterday it was 4.30 ( pitch black but birds singing and the odd car), then 5.30 and finally 6.30 - when I let him out as he then shuts up and eats. We don't hear anything more till about 8.30 and then intermittently during the day when he loses the girls, or there's a bird, cat etc walking past.


So what does make a cockerel crow first thing in the morning? If I can work it out, maybe I can alter his clock!


BTW - he's just crowed, and I've let him and his ladies out so they can stuff their face. One thought, is it to do with hunger, thirst? They are in bed by 6 so that's a long time for a bird.


Your thoughts/experiences please!



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