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Electric fences

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we have sucsessfully had our hens for almost a year, having gone through summer we have let them free to scrabble, however we have notised that they wonder down to our neighbers whom is making a new garden. my dad wants to use a chicken electric fence but me and my brother want to use hedges with some chicken non electric wire, would they get hurt from e fence? will they be less frendly? what should i do?













GNRGNRGNRGNRGNRGNR(duck)(duck)(white duck)

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We recently installed and electric fence, and the girls don't seem to mind at all. They have had a couple of shocks and now seem to avoid it. The are still as friendly and enjoying their cuddles. We installed the electric fence to stop them trashing the garden and they are now much happier as they can safely free-range all day. It stops them getting out but also stops foxes getting in. :D

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