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Having only had my chickens for a few days my Gingernut has already produced two eggs, however we are yet to get one before it is broken. The shells are very soft and she must break them when getting up. She leaves the egg but has eaten the shell. I think she must need more grit in her diet. Does anyone add extra grit to their feed or shall I offer it seperately? I am glad she is laying but I am worried about her getting a taste for cracking the eggs... Any help would be grately appreciated





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I offer oyster shell along with their feed and also have a seperate pot of it too.


You could add limestone flour to their food too or a liquid calcium supplement will also help.


Once the shells harden up you will then be able to assess if you have an egg eating problem too - i do hope not! Naughty chickens! :shameonu::lol:

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