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Retfords results for poorly Head Chook

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All of the bacteria isolated were resistant to the Enrofloxacin(Baytril) treatment. The bacteria isolated that would cause most problems are the KLebsiella and the other organism isolated was Candida which is a yeast not a fungal organism- the metronidazole does have some activity against this but is not totally effective in treating it..


Also found strapyloccus spp. Streptoccocus Bacillus spp and a scanty growth of Candida. & campylobacter spp

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thank you, to be honest if she hadn't had so many days when seemingly on the mend and enjoying life I would have made "THE" appointment.. It was this that made me feel she was fighting "something" that kept dragging her back down.

When I sent the sample she was like a normal chook, but with the bright yellow pooh still so I knew all was not well

Fingers crossed.

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