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woo hoo bluebell's on the nest for the first time

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and off. and on. and off. and on. and off.


will she or won't she? Her tail is twitching and she's making laying noises and putting straw on her back.


Thing is, she doesn't look as well developed as wiggy, who has yellow legs, full comb and wattle and is making grown up hen noises. My bluebell looks like an overdeveloped seagull squab with a small comb, although wattles look good - legs still white though.


Taking the kids to the cinema and will check back on the nest box later.

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Poor girl finally laid our 39g muddy beauty in the run - I imagine the others were harrassing her and she couldn't help but pop it out! It looks darkish brown, I reckon that there's some maran in her!


Wondering if she'll lay again tomorrow - do they tend to lay daily (ish) once they get going?




off to update signature.

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