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Martin B

Well done Tesco.

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I've just been in to my local tesco. I don't normally go down the egg isle these days but I did today and I was really impressed.


There were only 2 crates of battery egg, about 2 crates of barn egg, 8 crates of free range eggs and shelf fulls worth of organic eggs!


They also had free-range duck eggs and free range quail eggs.


I was realy impressed.


Well done Tesco! :clap:

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I don't think I've seen the words "well done" and "Tesco" in the same sentence on this forum before!! :shock:


:lol::lol::lol::lol: the forum never ceases to suprise :wink:


I've got to admit that I tend to look at the egg aisles whenever I visit a supermarket, I have no idea why since I haven't needed to buy any eggs for around 18 months :D:D

That sounds like a great selection from Tesco though 8)

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