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Stupid Mistake - BUT = Cut Comb - YUM!

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I inspected my hive with my Dad and Sister (Dad is beekeeper of the past, Sis went on the course with me) on Saturday - now, the week before, I managed to knock some brace comb off the bottom of my national frames (I have a beehaus, but got a nuc on national frames - long story, don't ask!).

This brace comb had a little bit of nectar in it - so I decided (in my infinite wisdom) that to throw it away would be wasteful. So on went the supers, one with frames, the other empty - and I put the comb in the empty super. MISTAKE.


As I say, went back on Saturday, and found the bees had not decided to clear out the comb like I meant them to, but had instead built a complex network of twisting comb all over the place in the super! Whoops! Not only that - they have packed it full of nectar too.


I set about taking it out, and put some frames into the empty super, in the hopes they would start putting it up there instead - but in the meantime, still had all this nectar (a fair bit of it as capped honey) lying in a dish.


We decided to bite the bullet (or bite the comb, whichever), and try eating some of it.


Now - I should point out - I have never eaten cut comb - indeed, until I started keeping bees, I never even knew such a thing existed :oops:

More than that - I haven't tasted a drop of honey in at least 10 years.


With that taken into consideration - the almost overpowering sweetness of that almost-capped honey was AMAZING!


We all had a bit - my Mum included - before I popped the dish with the remainder in it back up 100yards or so from the hive, hoping they'd clear it up, and make use of what they could.


So - the first produce from my lovely docile bees - and they'd been in the hive for just precisely 1 month! That's gotta be a record?!?

All down to my own stupidity I might add - but as mistakes go - I don't think that one was too serious! :oops::lol:

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