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Am I being impatient and a question

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5.5 weeks ago my original hive swarmed into my new hive. I now have 2 colonies. Original colony (Hive1) has nearly filled the 14x12 brood box again (all but outer 2 or 3 frames have eggs/brood on plus pollen and stores). No sign of QCs. However, there's hardly any honey in the super. Hive2 is slower, but progressing nicely with 3 or 4 frames to be filled. It has just 3 or 4 super frames which are maybe 1/5 full of honey the rest are empty. Am I being impatient that there's not much in the supers? Or should I be a bit concerned?


Also, as I was in this type of situation before Hive1 swarmed, I think RAB advised putting the Q/E above the super to give Her Maj somewhere else to lay which might distract her from swarming. Do you think I should do this now? If so, should I give her a brand new super and frames to be drawn out and put the original one on the top, or give her the original one and put a brand new one on top?

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Depends on forage availability.


Mine are now mostly on a 14 x 12 brood only, as peak brood has passed, along with the OSR. Some will be moved to spring beans very shortly.


It took just three weeks for a swarm to completely draw and fill a 14 x 12 brood box (12 Hoffman frames) with brood and stores. That was not a huge swarm by any means. It does depend on the queen strain and some are much more prolific layers than others.


Mine were early starters (with spring brooding) housed in a Dartington. Both Dartingtons have thrown swarms this year. One a prime (on the day I intended to set about organising a few extra queens) and the other a cast after a split of sorts (one of the downsides of the Dartington - not easily moved to remove the flying bees and this one was pot luck whether I had moved the queen or not when I split it, as hunting for the queen in that sized colony was just too much trouble at the time. The queen went elsewhere and the flying bees all returned to this hive! I left two queen cells, apparently.


So, yes you may be too impatient, but who knows?


Regards, RAB

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Well yes, as the 14x12 is bigger I guess in theory it should obviate the need. However, as RAB has indicated some bees are prolific; and I appear to have very prolific bees - they're effectively virtually filling a 14x12 for the 2nd time this season.

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