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THF Nick

Thinking of Bees

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i personally keep mine on a local farm shops land. However as long as they are not going to be in the way i don't think there is a minimun. I know i can get within 10m of my hive without being investigated. Also if you put a scren in the flight path they will fly up to get over the screen and not come back down the other side.


there are are alot more experience people here that can help so good luck. Also if you really are interested speak to your local bka and pop along for a visit

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I have mine at the bottom of my garden, it's 100 ft long and the corner where they are is the boundary of a 10' hedge and a breezeblock wall of equal height. I can get within about 6' of the hive with no problems at all, although if I stand in the flight path I'm liable to get bees bouncing off me. I think a lot depends on the temperament of the bees, too.


My concern was not that the bees would be dangerous, but that my neighbours would object - one side knows about them and is fine with it, and I don't think the other side know that they are there. If they do find out, I'll be able to say that I've had a hive there for two years (well - nearly!) with no problems.


I know people who keep bees in much smaller gardens than mine. Generally they shouldn't be a problem - they won't hang around your picnic like wasps do, and as long as you don't get in the flight path they are not usually interested in anyone else, however if your neighbours have young children then they may perceive the risk to be greater than it really is. A lot of it is to do with how comfortable you feel about opening the hive and manipulating bees if other people are about in their gardens.

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Yes keeping bees in gardens like Olly does and also I do is Ok, BUT (and this is a very big BUT), bees are not like any other livestock.


They can turn very bad very quickly if you get caught out (and it is very easy to do) and by caught out I mean for example loosing a queen, loosing swarms, or just a bad queen changing the temper of the hive.


Also remember whilst you are in you beekeeping suit, your next-door neighbour sat in their garden is not!


I have had one incident with my neighbours, I used to have my hives about 20m from our neighbours and a combination of a rough hive, hot weather and bees been drawn to the neighbours pond/ paddling pool caused some stings.


I ended up moving them ( and remembering the 3ft or 3miles rule) to the other side of the garden, nearly 200m away.


You always need a plan B,C and maybe D with bees, so a location you can quickly take the bees to that is over 3miles away will help.


Some do tell their neighbours others don’t. Sometimes not telling the is the best case, otherwise if they don’t like them straight away any buzzing flying thing is one of your bees and it will always be causing them a problem.


Also on the very extreme case, bees can KILL!


But other than that...Enjoy!

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I have colonies in my garden. Been there for about 8 years with no stings or problems from neighbours. That said, they are docile and any that may not be calm, when inspected, are immediately despatched to pastures greener, where the risk is removed. I have a good choice of several alternative sites.


At t he moment I have bees less than about 2 metres apart (entances toward each other) and regularly (several, no, even many times) walk between the hives and have not been stung this year, yet. They bump into me front and back but just untangle themselves and carry on. A matter of know your bees.


If you are a new beek I cannot really recommend keeping them close to neighbours if there is any reasonable chance they may get stung. But each case/scenario is different and advice is best sought before embarking on the wrong course of action.


Regards, RAB

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