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Bees staying on the inspection tray

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I am new to bee keeping and have today put my new bees into the Beehaus. However there are a good few still outside the haus and clustering between the inspection tray and the hive. (door is open). Should I remove the wasp guard until

they find there way in? Thankyou Janet

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Remove it forever unless there is a need. It is a bit of a gimmick really. It is only needed in cases of very weak colonies which are unable to resist wasp attack. A great idea but the execution was poor. They should have included, somewhere in the design, storage for the item when not required, for instance. That makes me think it was an 'add on' after-thought, beyond the design stages proper.


As well as the beehaus, I have Dartingtons which have an 8mm slot the full width of the hive (370mm) and usually reduce it to a bit less than half in the 'wasp season' (less if the wasps are particularly persistent). The beehaus opening is only about half the width of the hive and should be relatively easily defended. I would reduce it to, say half and then a quarter before even considering the wasp guard option. Four beeways or less for a strong colony is crazy.


I simply reduce my National entrances with a piece of batten, of suitable length less than the opening (370 x c.22mm).


Regards, RAB


Edit: beware ther is not any small entry/exit holes under by the OMF. It has been experienced by some, and very recently by one (if I have read an IM correctly just earlier today)

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Remove it forever unless there is a need. It is a bit of a gimmick really. It is only needed in cases of very weak colonies which are unable to resist wasp attack. A great idea but the execution was poor. They should have included, somewhere in the design, storage for the item when not required, for instance. That makes me think it was an 'add on' after-thought, beyond the design stages proper.


As well as the beehaus, I have Dartingtons which have an 8mm slot the full width of the hive (370mm) and usually reduce it to a bit less than half in the 'wasp season' (less if the wasps are particularly persistent). The beehaus opening is only about half the width of the hive and should be relatively easily defended. I would reduce it to, say half and then a quarter before even considering the wasp guard option. Four beeways or less for a strong colony is crazy.


I simply reduce my National entrances with a piece of batten, of suitable length less than the opening (370 x c.22mm).


Regards, RAB


Edit: beware ther is not any small entry/exit holes under by the OMF. It has been experienced by some, and very recently by one (if I have read an IM correctly just earlier today)


Hi Rab


I guess you were referring to my message... Prob worth telling the story for others.


I have 2 spare full frames of food which I store in the other end of the beehaus (the unused side). I noticed one or two wasps flying under the unused side. And when I did the last inspection decided to check the unused side. I took off the covers and approx 60 wasps flew out of the food frames. There was a small gap right in the corner of the OMF. I plugged it up with wire wool and all safe now. I also put some in the other corners just incase there was the same problem. I think there must have been because when I observed afterwards quite a few bees flew under (on their side of the beehaus) only to come back again and enter from the front.


Luckily the wasps had not got into the colony side via the divider board. At least something works!


Oh and the spreading leg issue was sorted by omlet. A new brood box. To be honest im getting a little fed up with it all. may swap to nationals next year.



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